Oil Cleansing: why and how to do it — Ashley Terry

Oil Cleansing: why and how to do it

Oil cleansing is a method that’s been around for some time and has been a bit of a skin care “trend” in recent years. It may seem counter intuitive to use oil to cleanse but it is so amazing! Following the property, like attracts like, oil cleansing helps to attract and dissolve excess oils, dirt, makeup, and sunscreen. Removing with a steamy washcloth in a circular motion helps to lift it all away and gently exfoliate your skin. This method provides such a deep cleanse that I don’t recommend cleansing again in the morning, just rinse with water! How’s that for simplifying your routine?

Types of oils definitely make a difference with this method. Oils with a smaller molecular size are more easily absorbed in the skin while larger molecular sized oils stay on the surface. I included a variety in my formulations so you can get the most effective cleanse. Individuals with oilier skin types and who are more breakout prone can use formulations with more oils like castor oil which are denser and larger because they will be more effective at drawing the excess oils out of the skin. Those with dryer skin will want to use formulas with more oils such as sesame and avocado. Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) is also a great oil to include, but because it is more easily absorbed it’s not fantastic on its own for cleansing.

For me the biggest draw to this method is its effect on the skins barrier. Since it doesn’t involve any stripping agents, soaps, or detergents, it’s not going to over-strip the skin. This allows the protective barrier to strengthen and thrive leaving you less prone to topical irritations and contact breakouts (you shouldn’t be afraid to touch your face!) Also when we are not stripping everything off our face it helps our oil production to normalize. The second best part? Oil cleansing is by far the best method for reducing and preventing blackheads. No extractions, no squeezing, no questionable pore strips. The oils in the cleanser help to pull out the dirt, excess oils, and gunk stuck in our pores gently and efficiently. WIN-WIN.

Okay lets get to the real reason you’re here: how to do it.

  1. Dispense about a nickel sized amount of oil cleanser into your palm and disperse over your dry face and neck

  2. M A S A G E . Go s l o w. Give extra focus to areas with more congestion and even get your eye makeup too

  3. Wet a washcloth with warm to hot water (whatever feels good to you) wring it out and press into your skin

  4. Remove in circular motions working across your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, neck, and chest. Rinse washcloth as needed

  5. Follow with a hydrating mist and facial oil

Trust me, you can clean your skin with oil. I haven’t used a traditional “cleanser” in five years, only oil. Let me know if you have any questions!